洛杉矶Tesla Model 3和Model Y车窗染色, 加利福尼亚州

通过我们位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的顶级Tesla Model 3和Model Y车窗贴膜服务,体验终极驾驶舒适性和隐私。增强车辆的美观性,同时减少眩光和热量。探索专业车窗着色,打造更酷、更时尚的驾乘体验。

Elevate your Tesla driving experience to new heights with our exceptional window tinting solutions designed specifically for Model 3 and Model Y vehicles. As the leading choice for window tinting in 洛杉矶Tesla Model 3和Model Y车窗染色, 加利福尼亚州, we take pride in offering unparalleled quality and expertise. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to not only enhancing the visual appeal of your car but also ensuring your utmost comfort and privacy on the road.

At our facility, we go beyond standard tinting services. Our package includes top-of-the-line premium window tinting that provides a protective shield against the elements, chips, bugs, sand, and debris. With our advanced automotive paint-protection film, your Tesla Model 3 or Model Y will not only look sleeker but also stay safeguarded, allowing you to cruise with confidence.

Choose from an array of options to customize your window tinting experience according to your preferences. Opt for tinting your side windows and rear window for a classic touch of sophistication. For those seeking the ultimate package, we offer options that include side windows, rear window, sunroof, and even front windshield tinting. Our range of choices ensures that you can find the perfect balance between aesthetics, privacy, and functionality.

Frequent questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Tesla Model 3 & Model Y Window Tinting in 洛杉矶Tesla Model 3和Model Y车窗染色, 加利福尼亚州.


使用上面的表格或通过“添加到购物车”按钮直接订购。我们将在 2 个工作日内与您联系以安排预约。




为窗户着色后,必须执行以下操作: 将窗户卷起至少两到四天,以便粘合剂正确固化。几天内避免清洁窗户。清洁它们时,请使用柔软、非研磨性的布或纸巾以及不含氨的清洁剂。建议使用肥皂和水或醋和水的混合物。请记住,氨会损害色彩。小心潜在的划痕。虽然有色薄膜很耐用并且通常带有防刮涂层,但它并不防刮。装载带有锋利边缘的物品时要小心,并注意安全带扣,它们可能会意外地发出叮叮声并撕裂颜色。


我们为窗户贴膜服务提供 9 年保修。


我们将在 2 个工作日内为您预约,然后着色本身需要几分钟到 2 小时,具体取决于您想要着色的窗户。我们将根据要求提供更多详细信息。

Model 3和Model Y的色调有区别吗?





我们的服务专为Tesla Model 3和Model Y量身定制,确保完美契合和无缝集成。


车窗着色可提供抵御恶劣天气的保护、增强美观性并减少热量,从而为您的Tesla Model 3或Model Y提供更舒适的驾驶体验。